Sonatina Festival

March 8, 2025

The FMTA Sonatina Festival is an annual competition traditionally held in the spring. This year the competition will take place at the LDS Church located at 6465 W. Jewell Ave. Lakewood, CO 80232   AND  Our Saviors Corner of Hope at 1975 S. Garrison St. Lakewood, CO 80227. The winners recital will be held at Our Saviors in the evening. Please review the Festival Standing Rules below. Repertoire is chosen from the approved list also found linked below. Students are grouped in classes according to the repertoire list. Entrants are challenged to perform two contrasting movements memorized from the same sonatina. Seasoned adjudicators evaluate entrants and select winners. Ribbons and trophies may be awarded. At Honors Recitals held the day of the Festival, winners are recognized with an opportunity to perform for family and friends.  The festival will take place from 7:30 AM to 3 PM.  Recitals will take place at 4 PM & 5 PM. Mollie Yoder chairs this event with assistance from Carrie Christensen. You may contact Mollie by email ( or phone/text: (651-269-5834).

Standing Rules for Sonatina Festival

FMTA Sonatina Festival Repertoire List for Piano

Sonatina Festival Student Registration Form

Sonatina Festival Teacher Registration Form

Pay for Sonatina Festival